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Stoked Oats

in conjunction with


The Stoked Oats Sub Ultra Trail Run

September 21st, 2025

Nose Hill Park - Edgemont Parking Lot

(the corner of Shaganappi Trail and Edgemont Blvd)

What is a sub ultra?

The New Vibe of Mountain Running

A sub ultra is shorter than a marathon on trails. Yep, that simple! 
And Sub Ultras are gaining in popularity in the run community.

“It’s fun because it’s based on short and fast trail racing, which is what I love,” says Allie McLaughlin, a Hoka-sponsored trail runner from Colorado Springs. “It’s just a different vibe than a lot of races.”

Overall, there are a lot more shorter-distance mountain running events and participants than there are in the ultra-distance scene, but for years ultrarunners and key races have gotten most of the attention.

“I think it’s much more approachable,” says Dani Moreno, an Adidas-Terrex pro from Mammoth Lakes, California. “If you told someone who wanted to get into trail running that they could only do a 100-miler, most would say, ‘Uh, no thank you.’ And I get it because when I first started trail running, I was asked, from the get-go, ‘When are you going to do your first 100?’ That was always the conversation, but it took me five years just to do a 50K. But the point is that the performances of runners at shorter distances are just as impressive as the runners doing longer distances.” 

WHAT YOU GET (32km, 16km, 6.5km):​

  • a Stoked Oats  Sub Ultra Trail Run race bib

  • a Stoked Oats swag item

  • a Stoked Oats  Sub Ultra Trail Run finisher's medal or                               Wild Rose Women's Sub Ultra Trail Run finisher's mala

  • a bag of Stoked Oats oatmeal or granola

  • a fun course with official chip timing for each participant

  • a great race atmosphere with music and a race announcer

  • a post-race Stoked Oats breakfast 

  • for purchase: Stoked Oats Sub Ultra Trail Run t-shirt or                                      a Wild Rose Women's Sub Ultra Trail Run t-shirt


WHAT YOU GET (2km Kids Event):​

  • a Stoked Oats  Sub Ultra Trail Run race bib

  • a Stoked Oats  Sub Ultra Trail Run finisher's medal

  • a great race atmosphere with music and a race announcer

  • a post-race Stoked Oats breakfast 

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Saturday, September 20th, 2025
Package Pick Up
Nose Hill Park (Shaganappi Trail/Edgemont Blvd NW - parking lot)
12pm - 2pm Package Pick Up 

Sunday, September 21st, 2025
Nose Hill Park (Shaganappi Trail/Edgemont Blvd NW - parking lot)
6:45am - 7:15am Sub Ultra Late Package Pick Up

7:00am - Sun Runners 32km and 16km Sub Ultra Early Start 

7:15am - Wild Rose Women's Sub Ultra 

7:30am - 16km and 32km Sub Ultra Start
7:45am - 8:15am 6.5km Walk/Run Late Package Pick Up
8:30am - 6.5km Trail Walk/Run Start 

8:45am - 9:15am Kids 2km Walk/Run Late Package Pick Up

9:30am - Kids 2km Walk/Run Start

10:00am - Awards (6.5km and 16km)

11:30pm - Awards (32km)

12:00pm - Course Closes (for all distances)


Stoked Oats

16km Sub Ultra

1 lap of 16km


6.5km Sub Ultra

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This is 1 loop course.
Elevation Gain: 77 m

32km Sub Ultra

2 laps of 16km

2km Kids Run

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This is an out-and-back course.
Elevation Gain: 7 m


6.5km route - there is no aid station along this route. Toilets are at the start/finish area.

16km route - aid station and porto potty locations coming soon!

32km route - aid station and porto potty locations coming soon!

16km and 32km aid stations will have Naak Energy Bars, chips, gummies and water.




October 7th - January 31st                     $95 ($104.41 with taxes and fees)

February 1st - May 31st                           $100 ($109.80 with taxes and fees)

June 1st - August 31st                             $105 ($115.80 with taxes and fees)

September 1st - September 19th           $115 ($125.95 with taxes and fees)


*if you would like to register for the Wild Rose Women's Sub Ultra please go to

October 7th - January 31st                     $80 ($88.25 with taxes and fees)

February 1st - May 31st                           $85 ($93.64 with taxes and fees)

June 1st - August 31st                             $90 ($99.03 with taxes and fees)

September 1st - September 19th           $100 ($109.80 with taxes and fees)

6.5KM TRAIL WALK/RUN (Ages 10+)

October 7th - January 31st                     $60 ($66.71 with taxes and fees)

February 1st - May 31st                           $65 ($72.10 with taxes and fees)

June 1st - August 31st                             $70 ($77.49 with taxes and fees)

September 1st - September 19th           $80 ($88.25 with taxes and fees)


2KM KIDS TRAIL WALK/RUN (Ages 10 and under)

October 7th - January 31st                     $20 ($23.63 with taxes and fees)

February 1st - May 31st                           $20 ($23.63 with taxes and fees)

June 1st - August 31st                             $25 ($29.01 with taxes and fees)

September 1st - September 19th           $25 ($29.01 with taxes and fees)

I agree there are no refunds however, I can roll over my registration to 2026 for a fee of $50 BEFORE September 1st, 2025 or that I may transfer my entry to another racer for a fee of $10.


After September 1st, I understand there are no rollovers including injuries or illnesses. I may however, transfer my registration to another racer for a fee of $10.


I agree and understand that I may transfer to another category within The Stoked Oats Sub Ultra Trail Run/Wild Rose Women's Sub Ultra to a shorter distance for free, or to a longer distance for a charge of the difference of what I paid and the current price of entry. 

I understand that I may do this up to September 20th, 2025.


NOTE: By registering I take responsibility that I understand and agree to this statement.

  • No one who is not registered may run with you. This also includes any outside help (ie. someone who is not a race official or volunteer may not assist you in any way along the trail with extra clothing, food, etc.) 

  • Unsportsmanlike conduct such as verbal or physical abuse of event staff or volunteers is not acceptable or tolerated.

  • All participants must wear their bib on their front at all times. Bib must be visible.​

For more details and FAQ please read our


2025 Athlete Guide - coming soon

Can't find the answer to your question?

Please email Race Director, Richelle Love at

We are always looking for help and support from our community. Volunteers will get a special gift and post-event breakfast!


Thank you to our generous sponsors.

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Tri It Multisport logo
Näak Logo - Black mountain white background.png
Rock On Clay logo
Lounge Cat Productions
RnR Premier Events logo

"Everyone needs a little RNR"

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